Growing/Maturing Matters of the Heart

The Screen Protector – We Have ONE!

The day I brought the phone, I made sure that I had a screen protector and a phone case. I usually buy one of those Otter cases, but this time they did not have anything that I liked in the stores, so I settled on a silicone case. I know someone is cringing at the thought, but I hey…It was supposed to be a temporary thing, right? Lol! Those who know me…. know that I kept putting it off. Because I kept using the excuse of, “I’ll eventually get one…this will do for now.”

I was rushing out of the house one day, and I put my phone in my back pocket. When I was getting into the car, my phone, of course, fell out and landed face down on the concrete floor. My heart stopped, and I lifted up a sincere prayer. I picked it up, and I saw a crack that was that spanned across the screen. I was able to lift the screen protector up a little bit to see that the actual screen was okay, but the screen protector did its job and took the impact of the fall. I gave a sigh of relief, and my sister said, “at least it is the screen protector and not your actual screen.”

Where’s the keyboard kid?? Put me in A-flat!!!

Of course, this took me to another headspace! literally, the screen protector did what it was supposed to do…” takes the impact!”

I was able to lift the screen protector up a little bit to see that the actual screen was okay, but the screen protector did its job and took the impact of the fall.

Life has a way of genuinely throwing us some punches that can really knock us off our feet and, I mean, knocks the wind out of our bellies. Those are the type of hits that will cause us to start questioning a few things that we’ve known to be “true” for years upon years.

Even when we fall short of the glory of God…we can take pride that Jesus has taken the most significant part of the impact of our sins through the completed work of the cross. The blood of Jesus serves as our ultimate defense against the consequence of sin, which is death (Romans 10:1). Jesus died so that we may live and live a life of abundance.

Those of us who are alive in Christ will feel the sting of sin; we will not feel or experience the wrath of God because of the propitiation of Jesus Christ.
